Tartu Tamme Gümnaasium

Boosting science education at school projekt

Boosting science education at school projekt

Tamme gümnaasium on teaduskeskuse AHHAA Eesti partnerkooliks kaheaastases projektis „Boosting science education at school“ – Loodusteaduste (õpetamise/õppimise) edendamine koolis.

Tegu on Erasmus+ projektiga, mis keskendub teaduskeskuste ja koolide koostööle, nn parimate praktikate jagamisele loodusteaduste õpetamisel ning nende levitamisele. Koos püütakse luua ning jagada ideid ja kogemusi õpilastele huvipakkuvamate õpitegevuste läbiviimisel. Oluline on koostöö Euroopa riikide vahel õpilaste teadusliku mõtteviisi arendamisel. Projekti FB lehekülg: https://www.facebook.com/boostingscienceatschool/

Õpetajate projektikohtumisest Rumeenias (veebruaris 2018) saab lugeda siit: https://tammegymnaasium.ee/opetajate-projektikohtumine-rumeenias/ .

Projekti õppekohtumisest Roomas (aprillis 2018) saab lugeda siit (https://tammegymnaasium.ee/opiranne-itaaliasse-oppimine-on-katsetamine-ja-uurimine/), lühikese artikli avaldas ka “Õpetajate Leht“.

Projektikohtumisest Kreekas, Larissas (juulis 2018 ) saab lugeda siit: https://tammegymnaasium.ee/opetajad-projektikohtumisel-kreekas/ 

Projektikohtumisest Eestis (oktoobris 2018) saab lugeda siit: https://tammegymnaasium.ee/loodusteadusi-populariseeriva-koostookohtumise-kaudu-valmis-hariv-oppepaev/

Projektikohtumisest Kreekas, Larissas (veebruaris 2019) saab lugeda siit: https://tammegymnaasium.ee/opetajad-kreekas-oppimine-on-katsetamine-ja-uurimine/

Projektikohtumisest Iasis, Rumeenias (mais 2019) saab lugeda siit: https://tammegymnaasium.ee/boosting-science-projektikohtumisel-rumeenias/

Viimasest projektikohtumisest Tartus (augustis 2019) saab lugeda siit (https://tammegymnaasium.ee/kaheaastane-rahvusvaheline-koostoo-lopeb-teadlaste-oo-festivalil/).
Projekti tulemusena loodi brošüür, kus antakse põgus ülevaade projektist, projektipartnerite riikide loodusteaduslikust ja tehnoloogiaharidusest ning kaalukaima osana ühistöös loodud/koondatud loodusteaduslike katsete katsete juhendid. Katsetele loodi ka vastavad videojuhised (www.youtube.com/boostingscience). Need on kättesaadavad e-Koolikotist (https://e-koolikott.ee/oppematerjal/24444-Moned-naited-teadusharidustegevuste-labiviimiseks-koolis-projekti-materjalid).


Järgneb projekti juhtivasutuse inglisekeelne kokkuvõte projektist.

Boosting science education at school is an Erasmus Plus 2-year Strategic partnership (October 2017-2019) aiming at bridging the gap between schools and science.

The partnership is composed by the coordinator Associazione Euphoria (Italy), four scientific organizations – The science zone (Italy), Digital Idea (Greece), Science Centre AHHAA (Estonia), Ludor Engineering (Romania) – and four schools of different levels – Istituto Comprensivo “Maria Montessori” (Italy), Moysiko Gymnasio-geniko Lykeio (Greece), Tartu Tamme Gümnaasium (Estonia) and Scoala Gimnaziala Barnova (Romania).

The project aims at developing an exchange of best practices between schools and organizations active in the field of promoting science among schools, in order to create synergies between the education and scientific world.

This exchange should facilitate the introduction of more attractive practices in teaching science at school.

The project also wants to develop an exchange of methodologies between the associations, in order to figure out the best ways in which they can settle a stable collaboration with schools. These associations, by joining the project would like to share their experience at EU level to learn from each other on how to carry out their laboratories and activities and how to cooperate internationally, as science is international for its same nature.

As a result, the project aims at promoting excellence in teaching and learning science in schools through the introduction of non-formal methods and the reform of traditional curricula.

The project aims at inspiring science teaching by encouraging communication between teachers, scientists, and associations involved in different ways in the European science education, and supporting teachers in modernizing their methodologies and activities carried out in classrooms.

Consequently, the project also aims at improving motivation, learning and pupils’ attitudes in science education, resulting in an increased scientific literacy and recruitment to science-based careers, equipping young people with the skills to achieve their full potential, and ultimately convert better jobs into better lives.

The first transnational project meeting will take place on 12-13 December 2017 in Rome.


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