Tartu Tamme Gümnaasium

EUSO Visitors to Our SchoolKülas Euroopa loodusteaduste olümpiaadi president hr Michael Cotter

EUSO Visitors to Our SchoolKülas Euroopa loodusteaduste olümpiaadi president hr Michael Cotter

Dr. Michael A. Cotter, EUSO President and Ms. Karin Hellat, EUSO 2016 Director, visited our school, Tartu Tamme Gymnasium, on Tuesday, 17 November 2015.

Dr. Cotter founded the European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) in 2003 and it has been held ever year since in a University City of the EU. In May 2016 Estonia is that host country and the EUSO will take place in the University of Tartu under the direction of Ms. Hellat.  Our school will play a vital role in the success of EUSO 2016 by providing a number of volunteers and by hosting the delegations from 25 EU countries for an afternoon of sport, music, relaxation and culture. We are looking forward to their visit.

Dr. Cotter and Ms. Hellat were greeted on arrival by the principal Mr. Ain Tõnisson and the Head of Study branches Mr. Urmas Tokko. They were also met by the two student council leaders, Ms. Britta-Mai Nõmmik and Mr. Kristjan Laubholts , both in their final year and by number of the teaching staff. They visited classrooms and laboratories and spoke to teachers and students. They discussed how best to entertain the EUSO delegations during their visit to the school next year.

Dr. Cotter and Ms. Hellat thanked the staff and students for organising the visit and for offering to host the EUSO delegations in May.

Külas Euroopa loodusteaduste olümpiaadi president hr Michael Cotter

Teisipäeval, 17. novembril on meil külas EUSO (European Union Science Olympiad), Euroopa loodusteaduste olümpiaadi president hr Michael Cotter.Ta väisab järjekordse olümpiaadi toimumiskohta Tartut ja Tartu Ülikooli ning ühtlasi meie kooli. Olümpiaad toimub maikuus 2016. Siis on võistlejad ühel õhtul meie koolimajas lõõgastumas ning osa meie õpilasi vabatahtlikuna olümpiaadikorraldajatel abiks. Tutvustame oma kooli õppekorraldust ja õppesuundi, astume sisse 10LO keemia- ja 10IT tundi ning pakume külalistele võimalust vestelda meie õpilasesindusega. Ajakirjandus teeb hr Cotteri ning õpilastega intervjuusid.

Fotode autor Andrus Tennus, TÜ r. Michael A. Cotter, EUSO President and Ms. Karin Hellat, EUSO 2016 Director, visited our school, Tartu Tamme Gymnasium, on Tuesday, 17 November 2015.

Dr. Cotter founded the European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) in 2003 and it has been held ever year since in a University City of the EU. In May 2016 Estonia is that host country and the EUSO will take place in the University of Tartu under the direction of Ms. Hellat.  Our school will play a vital role in the success of EUSO 2016 by providing a number of volunteers and by hosting the delegations from 25 EU countries for an afternoon of sport, music, relaxation and culture. We are looking forward to their visit.

Dr. Cotter and Ms. Hellat were greeted on arrival by the principal Mr. Ain Tõnisson and the Head of Study branches Mr. Urmas Tokko. They were also met by the two student council leaders, Ms. Britta-Mai Nõmmik and Mr. Kristjan Laubholts , both in their final year and by number of the teaching staff. They visited classrooms and laboratories and spoke to teachers and students. They discussed how best to entertain the EUSO delegations during their visit to the school next year.

Dr. Cotter and Ms. Hellat thanked the staff and students for organising the visit and for offering to host the EUSO delegations in May.

Külas Euroopa loodusteaduste olümpiaadi president hr Michael Cotter

Teisipäeval, 17. novembril on meil külas EUSO (European Union Science Olympiad), Euroopa loodusteaduste olümpiaadi president hr Michael Cotter.Ta väisab järjekordse olümpiaadi toimumiskohta Tartut ja Tartu Ülikooli ning ühtlasi meie kooli. Olümpiaad toimub maikuus 2016. Siis on võistlejad ühel õhtul meie koolimajas lõõgastumas ning osa meie õpilasi vabatahtlikuna olümpiaadikorraldajatel abiks. Tutvustame oma kooli õppekorraldust ja õppesuundi, astume sisse 10LO keemia- ja 10IT tundi ning pakume külalistele võimalust vestelda meie õpilasesindusega. Ajakirjandus teeb hr Cotteri ning õpilastega intervjuusid.

Fotode autor Andrus Tennus, TÜ